High-Quality Aerospace Components from Owens Industries5-Axis Machining Grand Prairie

Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control (MFC) is one of the nation’s leading companies in aerospace research and development, headquartered in the city of Grand Prairie, Texas. MFC provides air and missile defense systems, tactical missiles, and air-to-ground precision strike weapon systems for the military and defense industries. MFC has over 3,500 employees at their Grand Prairie location, and they depend upon CNC machine shops like Owens Industries manufacturing high-quality components made with precision and accuracy.

As the aerospace industry extends its reach throughout the state of Texas, the need for precision machined parts is on the rise. Component manufacturers of these types depend on OEM parts with the tightest tolerances to fit in with complex subsystems of satellite platforms, spacecraft structural components, or propulsion systems. 

5 Axis and Wire EDM Machined Aerospace Parts

Aerospace firms like SSL, Boeing, Airbus, Raytheon, General Dynamics, or Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. require the highest quality machined parts. Few precision machine shops can rival the capability, technology, and talent offered by Owens’ team of expert engineers and CNC machinists.

The ability to machine a component to completion in a single setup not only adds to the precision achieved during machining but also reduces tooling costs, overhead costs, and labor time, resulting in the lowest possible cost per part. 5 axis machining centers eliminate several inadequacies of conventional CNC machining techniques, including multiple setups, part transfers, and inspections, part handling, and errors associated with human involvement/interference. 

We offer a wide range of 5-axis machined parts for aerospace applications, including:

  • Valve seats for airflow regulators
  • Control valve housings
  • Check valves
  • Pistons for engine valves
  • Hinges
  • Housings
  • Batter cores for safety equipment

Interested in getting high-quality CNC components for your Grand Prairie business? Contact Owens Industries today to get a quote for your next project.

Contact the precision Aerospace component engineers at Owens for OEM parts for your Grand Prairie, TX business.
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