Canada CNC Machining

Canada CNC Machining

Wire EDM vs Conventional EDM

Another dependable CNC machining service Owens Industries offers is wire cut EDM. This service is just slightly different from conventional EDM. It takes place in deionized water to create a low viscosity environment and quicker cooling time. A metallic wire is used, and is usually made out of brass or stratified copper between .1 and .3mm in diameter.

In wire EDM, the wire cuts the material precisely. Even though the wire is technically doing the cutting it never actually touches the piece of metal. Sparks being created from electricity cuts the metal, giving the best finish possible on the product.

How Owens Industries Exceeds in Wire EDM

Owens Industries offers the best EDM services nationwide. Wire cut EDM takes the right equipment and experience to get industry-leading results. Luckily, Owens Industries has the most reliable, versatile equipment to give all of our customers components machined to their specifications.

When you choose Owens Industries, you get the highest quality components and quickest turnaround times.

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